The total library stock of educational, methodical, scientific and fiction literature is 5,947 copies. Of these, 5,947 copies are on paper.(in the state language 2667 and in Russian 3280), on removable media 2340.
To automate all library and bibliographic processes in the library, there is an "Automated Library and Information System - KABIS".
The information and library program "KABIS" is implemented in the form of the website of the institute's library for searching and ordering the necessary educational literature for students, undergraduates, teaching staff and employees.
In order to expand the library information fund, as well as the possibility of promptly obtaining and exchanging information with libraries and organizations of the city, agreements were concluded with:
1. Agreements : No. 75 dated 05.01.2021-12/31/2025 Republican Interuniversity Electronic Library,
2. No. 3 dated 02/04/2024 Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.
3. No.36/24 1 dated 04/10/2024 Joint Stock Company "International University of Information Technologies",
4. No. 29/2 dated 01/26/2024 NAO "Republican Scientific and Technical Library",
5. JSC "Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism" (agreement dated 10/28/2023),
6. 12/13/2023. NAO "Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai".
7. On 11/29/2023, the RSE at the PHW "Gylym Ordasy" of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Library opening hours
9.00.- 18.00
Break from 13.00-14.00