Training of a new generation of highly educated lawyers working in the educational field, meeting the dynamically changing requirements in the modern labor market and corresponding to the international level of professional education.
ON 1. generalize knowledge about the main stages and patterns of the historical development of the state and law, showing an active civic position, patriotism, zero tolerance for corruption;
ON 2. to confirm deep theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of legal analysis and legal activity;
ON 3. communicate in different languages in order to solve the problems of interpersonal, intercultural and professional interaction, showing the skills of conflict-free communication;
ON 4. determine the basics of entrepreneurship and business management, choosing optimal management solutions, analyzing and developing management innovations in educational activities;
ON 5. Apply the norms of substantive and procedural law, including NPA in educational activities, analyzing and presenting legal information for internal and external stakeholders;
ON 6. explain the emergence and termination of legal relations between the state and other subjects of law in the field of education, assessing the content and completeness of the NPA regulating educational legal relations;
ON 7. identify and recommend measures to prevent and suppress offenses, including in the field of education;
ON 8. plan and organize legal support and legal support of the educational process, protection of subjects of education, applying national and international norms;
ON 9. provide legal record keeping, including procedural documents and documents of legal expertise in the field of education;
ON 10. evaluate the measures taken to ensure the safety of life and environmental protection, choose the best methods of protection, identify hazards and assess risks in the field of occupational safety at work;
ON 11. explain the foundations of the constitutional system, the structure, functions and principles of the activities of state bodies, the essence, nature and interaction of legal and state phenomena;
ON 12. apply, evaluate the content and completeness of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of administrative and legal regulation, explain the emergence and termination of relations between the state and other legal entities;
ON 13. apply the main provisions of civil law, civil procedure legislation; explain the emergence and termination of private legal relations, make optimal decisions in non-standard situations;
ON 14. to assess the legal mechanisms for ensuring the rule of law and the rule of law, the effectiveness of methods of combating crime, in particular corruption, the causes of legal nihilism, errors in judicial and investigative practice, the state of implementation of the main directions of criminal policy;
ON 15. understand the essence of law as a regulator of public relations, know the structure and elements of the legal system, forms and methods of performing the functions of the modern state and law.