Training of primary school teachers who are able to perform professional functions efficiently in the workplace, bringing the learning process as close as possible and directing it to mastering systematized, generalized, universal knowledge and skills that allow them to independently, professionally and responsibly solve theoretical and practical tasks, creatively use and develop scientific achievements, successfully rebuild in connection with emerging changes in the primary education system.
ON 1 Designs and develops a holistic pedagogical process of primary school; owns the theoretical foundations in the field of pedagogy and didactics of primary school; classifies and establishes the relationship between the psychological, pedagogical and didactic principles of the learning process in a modern primary school.
ON 2 To solve real communicative tasks in professional speech situations by linguistic means, to use terms effectively in their professional activities.
ON 3 Analyzes the structure and content of the State compulsory standard of primary Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and curricula; plans work taking into account the content, principles, forms, methods, means of teaching and upbringing in the conditions of the updated content of education, owns the theory and technology of teaching natural sciences and humanities.
ON 4 Forms and develops the personality of the child, determines the basic anatomical, physiological and psychological patterns of primary school age; diagnoses the psychological readiness of the child for systematic schooling; evaluates learning outcomes using a criterion system.
ON 5 Selects tools for management and management in education; translates common goals in professional and social activities; builds professional activities guided by the principles of citizenship and personal responsibility.
ON 6 Generalizes and selects innovative teaching methods in elementary grades; reveals the personal and creative potential of elementary school students, contributes to the process of their socialization.
ON 7 Apply innovative methods of teaching in primary school, scientific research and academic writing in the field under study; understand the importance of the principles and culture of academic integrity and the sources of its receipt; use the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities to solve problems in the field of professional activity.
ON 8 Extracts the best practices of teachers and teachers-innovators; has a high motivation for professional activity, is motivated and aspires to graduate education and professional self-education.
ON 9 Generalizes the universal principles of behavior and professional ethics; has a high level of internal culture, moral principles and ethical behavior.