On July 1-4, 2024, the international scientific and theoretical conference of the Issyk-Kul Forum of Accountants and Auditors of EURASIAN countries “Challenges and risks of globalization and levers of influence on the progress of Eurasian economic integration” was held dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Doctor of Economics, Professor of ASUE Kusnikamal Tortubaevna Taigashinova
The purpose of the conference is to discuss current, theoretical and practical problems of development and deepening the integration processes of the transformation economy in the Eurasian space based on improving the monitoring of financial security, accounting, information and control systems, law, finance, taxation, anti-corruption measures, trade and customs relations, digitalization and artificial intelligence.
The conference agenda included a plenary session and work in the following areas:
- Economic aspects of digital transformation and artificial intelligence and its financial, management and information, monitoring and tax support.
- International trade and customs relations trends, developments and growth factors.
- The mechanism of action of state legal and anti-corruption levers
The conference was attended by teachers of the department “Accounting and Audit” Nazarova V.L., Erzhanov A.K., Dauzova A.M., Nartbaeva A.S., Barmanbekova G.S., teachers of the School of Business N. Shiganbaeva, from the department IP and OD Iemberdiev B.N., in addition, they underwent advanced training on the topic “Challenges and risks of globalization and levers of influence on the progress of Eurasian economic integration.” https://youtu.be/We7BsSa3O0k?si=EKtwIf60G4hWlzVc