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Beisembaeva Zamzamiya
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

1982-1983, candidate of philological sciences at the Institute of Linguistics of the Academy of Sciences;
1964-1968, student of the Kazakh State Pedagogical Institute named after. Abai;

Since 2017 to 2023 - Professor of the Almaty Humanitarian and Economic University;
In 2008, professor of pedagogy at the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University;
In 2005, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University;
1993-2005, Associate Professor of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University;
1984-2017, teacher-professor of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University;
1968-1984, researcher at the Institute of Linguistics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
1. Methods of teaching the Kazakh language. (special seminar).- Almaty: Publishing House of ZhS "Tanteev", 2017.-139 p.
2. Stylistics and language culture. - Textbook. - Almaty: Girl's University Publishing House (in the author's association), 2017. - 300 p.
3. Fundamentals of pedagogical excellence.-Almaty: Publishing house of the Kazakh University.-2018.-115 p.
4. Scientific and pedagogical foundations of teaching the Kazakh language in higher education // Organization of the educational process in higher educational institutions based on the updated content of educational programs (Materials of the Republican scientific and methodological seminar). Abay Pedagogical University, 2018.-3B.2-40
5. Methods of vocational education.-Almaty University: Khabarshi. 2018.-№1.-p.5-9
6. Pedagogical culture of language communication (in the author's association). - Almaty University: Khabarshi, No. 1. - P. 12-18
7. Critical thinking of a student (co-authored) - Almaty University: Bulletin. 2018.-№1.-p.22-26
8. Special methods of modular technology.-Almaty University: Khabarshi.- №2.-2018.-p.21-25
9. Integrated training in pedagogical technologies - the need of the day (in the author's association).
10. Modular learning technology: meaning and meaning. - Almaty: Publishing House "Polygraphy Service and Co", 2021.-96 pages (co-authored).
11. Theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation of environmental education in elementary school. - Adana: Bildir Kitabi, 30 Aralik 2022, - 240-250 pages.
12. The nature of integrated learning technology (scientific and methodological learning) Almaty - 2023. Publishing house  "Tanteev"