Savelyeva T.V. Archeology // Galiev V.Z., Savelyeva T.V. History of Kazakhstan / Annotated Bibliographic Index (1917-1980). Alma-Ata, 1985. [In 2 volumes: volume 1 - history, volume 2 - archeology].
Savelyeva T.V. Research problems of the South-Kazakhstan complex archaeological expedition 1971-1985. / Otrar, Otrar oasis and South Kazakhstan. - Alma-Ata: Science, 1986. - 76 p. (with co-author: Kostina D.M.).
Savelyeva T.V. Settled culture of the northern slopes of the Zailiysky Alatau in the VIII-XIII centuries. - Almaty, 1994. - 216 p.
Savelyeva T.V. Blacksmith craft of the North-Eastern Semirechye. - Almaty, 1998. - 228 p. (with co-authors Zinyakov N.M., Voyakin D.A.)
Savelyeva T.V. Ancient treasures of Almaty and Zhetysu. - Almaty, 2004. - 172 p. (Co-author: Baipakov K.M.)
Savelyeva T.V. Medieval cities and settlements of the North-Eastern Zhetysu. - Almaty, 2005. - 188 p. (with co-authors Baipakov K.M., Chang K.)
Savelyeva T.V. Documentation and historical geography of Otrar and the Otrar oasis: the basics of conservation and protection / UNESCO - Institute of Archeology of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan - DDAC. Almaty, 2006. - 32 p. c CDR (in Russian, English). (Co-authors: Baipakov K.M., Voyakin D.A., Akylbek S., Antonov M.A., Sorokin D.V.)
Savelieva T. Monuments of Otrar oasis in their settings: investigation of irrigation system and cultural landscape. Almaty, 2008. - 36 p. (co-author: Baipakov K., Voyakin D., Antonov M., Sorokin D., Akylbek S., Voyakina N.)
Savelyeva T.V. Medieval capitals of Zhetysu: Almaty, Talkhir, Kayalyk. Almaty, 2009. - 319 p. from ill. (in Kazakh, Russian, English). (Co-authors: Baipakov K.M., Seidumanov S.T., Voyakin D.A., Auezov E.K.)
Savelyeva T.V. Eskertkishter - eldiktin belgіsi. Monuments are symbols of statehood. Photo album. Monuments - the Symbols of the Statehood. Photoalbum. Almaty, 2011. - 320 p., illustration. (in Kazakh, Russian, English). (Co-authors: Baipakov K.M., Voyakin D.A.)
Savelyeva T. Blacksmith and iron products of medieval Talhir. Saarbrücken: Lambert Academic Publishing, 2013. - 480 p. (in Russian, English). (Co-authors: Zinyakov N., Voyakin D.)
Savelyeva T.V. Pottery in medieval Talgar. Almaty, 2019. - 220 p., color. ill. (in Kazakh, Russian, English). (with co-author: Kuznetsova O.V.)