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Tulemisova Ainur Sagindikovna
magister, senior teacher

Graduated in 2003 with a red diploma from Kainar University with a degree in Information Systems. From 2007 to 2009, she studied at the full-time master's program of the M.Auezov Law School. Since 2003, she has worked at SKPU as a teacher at the Department of Computer Science and Mathematics. From 2012 to the present, I have been working as a senior lecturer at the Information Systems Department of the Almaty Academy of Economics and Statistics.
Analysis of routing algorithms / / M. Auezov SKSU, Shymkent, Kazakhstan 2008. International Scientific and Practical Conference "Chemistry in building materials and Materials science in the XXI century" - 282-286 p. ISBN 9965-857-65-2. 

The use of graph algorithms in network technologies / / South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University Shymkent, 2008 regional scientific and practical conference "Ways to improve the competitiveness of teachers",-pp. 103-108 ISBN 9965-19-110-7.                                        Introduction of algorithms in graphs in network technologies / / Materialy V Mezinarodni Vedecko-praktika konference "Dny vedy-2009 –Dil 16." Moderni informacni tehnologie. Vystavka a architekturo: Praha Rablishing House “Education and science” s.r.o. – 104 stran. -36-38. ISBN 978-966-8736-05-6.

The main tasks of using computer equipment in the management of the University.// South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University of Shymkent, 2011. At the moment, interpersonal communication is the key to psychological and pedagogical problems and ways to solve them. Published at the international scientific conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. -Pp. 139-141 ISBN 976-601-7194-07-9. Algorithms in graphs. A short road down one hill.// South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University of Shymkent, 2011. At the moment, interpersonal communication is the key to psychological and pedagogical problems and ways to solve them. Published at the international scientific conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. -Pp. 135-139 ISBN 976-601-7194-07-9. 

Assign resource sharing parameters. // Bulletin of the South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University 2012. Shymkent, South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University. -270-272s.ISBN 978-601-7194-07-9.