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Makasheva Orynkul Menlibayevna
Senior Lecturer

She graduated from the Central Asian University in 2002 with a degree in jurisprudence. From 2012 to 2014, she studied full-time magistracy at the Department of Public International Law at the KOU.
Since 2002, she worked at the CAU at the Faculty of Law as a methodologist.
Since 2011, she worked at the SRS department as a methodologist at the Almaty Academy of Economics and Statistics. From 2013 to the present time I have been working at Art. Rev. at the Department of IP and OOD.
Topical issues of criminal justice. Maidan of young scientists. KUU correspondent. Almaty: KOU, p. 167-170.

Some features of the military structure of the Mongolian army in the middle of the century. Materials of the international scientific-practical conference "Modern Economics and Education: Problems, Opportunities and Development Prospects" pp. 286-290. Almaty: AESA. 2017 Some issues in the improvement of the contract of sale at the present time. Materials of the international scientific-practical conference "Youth and Science" pp. 610-613. Almaty: AESA. 2017

Preliminary investigation is the central stage of criminal proceedings. Zhas galimdar Maidana. Bulletin of KUU., Almaty: KOU- p.140-143.

Problems of protecting information from unauthorized access. Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Problems and Prospects for the Development of the Economy and Education in the Conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution" Almaty: ANPP, 2018. - pp. 662-665. Ruhani zhangyru - tabysty ate boluymyzdyn kepili. XVII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Youth and Science" within the framework of the project "Uly Dala Zhastary" on the topic: "Education as a fundamental success factor in the future", Almaty: ANPP, 2018.- pp. 77-80.

Problems in the fight against corruption. International scientific and practical conference "Trends and prospects for the development of the economy and education in a new reality" dedicated to the Independence Day of Kazakhstan, December 10, 2021 Almaty University for the Humanities and Economics, Almaty