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Alshynbayeva Esentai Kaiypbaevna
PhD, Professor

"1965 zhyly S.M. Kirov atyndagy Kazak memlekettik university mathematics mamandygy boyinsha bitirgen. 1973-1976 lzh.
1979 zhyly Tbilisi memlekettik universitetіnde doctoral thesis қorgau zhөnіndegі mamandandyrylғan kenestin otyrysynda candidate dissertation of the son of қorgada.
1965-1973 live. KazPTI "Zhogary Mathematics" department of the son's assistants, and oқytushysy.
1980-1998 AAI Koldanbaly Mathematics of the Department of Son Associate Professor.
1998-2008 Bagalau institutes are associate professors, professors, OOD of the department of sons of mengerushis.
2008 zhyldyn kyrkuyek ayynan kazirgi uaқytқa deyіn informatics department son professors (AZh zhane OOD) AAEiS."
"Mathematical methods in assessment. International scientific and practical conference "Trends and prospects for the development of the economy and education in a new reality" dedicated to the Independence Day of Kazakhstan, December 10, 2021. Almaty Humanitarian and Economic University, Almaty

Some applications of Fourier series. International scientific and practical conference "Trends and prospects for the development of the economy and education in a new reality", dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Almaty: AESA, December 11, 2020."