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Tutenov Baikarim Vilyamovich
Corresponding member International Economic Academy Eurasia, Assistant professor

1975 -1977 Cadet of the flight school of civil aviation, Krasny Kut
1977- 1979 Pilot of the 309th flight detachment of civil aviation G. Shymkent
1979- 1981 Pilot of the 242nd civil aviation flight unit Pos. Burundai
1981-1983 Service in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Alma-Ata
1983-1988 Alma-Ata Regional Financial Department: Economist, Art. economist, deputy head of the department for financing the agro-industrial complex, head of the department for financing trade and consumer services, chief tax auditor-inspector. Alma-Ata
1988-1991 Ministry of Finance of the Kazakh SSR: Chief Economist of the Department of Housing and Utilities, Transport and Communications, Chief Economist of the Department of Long-term Budget and Financial Planning, Deputy. Head of the Main Budget Department, Head of the Consolidated Economic Department of the State Budget G. Alma-Ata
1991-1993 Senior referent, consultant of the market economy group, deputy head of the department of finance, budget and pricing of the Office of the President of the Kazakh SSR and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR.G. Alma-Ata
1993-1994 First Deputy Minister of Social Protection of the Population - Chairman of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Alma-Ata
1994-1995 Minister of Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan G. Alma-Ata
1995-1997 Advisor to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Deputy Minister of Labor, First Vice Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan G. Alma-Ata
1997-1999 Sector of the Expert and Analytical Department, First Deputy Head of the Department of Financial and Economic Expertise of the Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan G. Astana
1999-2013 General Director, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Chairman of the Board of Kazvtorchermet JSC, Director of Prosthetic and Orthopedic Association LLP G. Almaty
2013-2014 Consultant of the National Agency KAZNEX INVEST", Investor Support Center. Astana
Рекомендации международной организации труда- действенные ориентиры социально-трудовой сферы
НПЖ Статистика, учет и аудит № 1(76) 2020 С.62-65 в соавторстве Говорухина Е.И