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Nadeeva Nadezhda Vasilevna
assistant professor

"2016 - to date Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting, Audit and Statistics ASUE
2015 to present ─ C-Clobal Listing LLP ─ Partner - Auditor, Project Manager
2011 – 2015 ─ FINEKS LLP ─ Deputy General Director, General Director
2003 - 2011 ─ LLP "NAC" Optium - audit "- director of the audit company
  2003 - 1996 – LLP “NAC “Centraudit-Kazakhstan” – an independent auditor, qualification certificate No. 0000263
1996-1992 – combination of work in Tsentraaudit LLP, chief specialist
1995-1992 - Kazakh State Academy of Management - Deputy. vice-rector of the educational and scientific complex "Accounting and economic cybernetics"
1992-1990 - Kazakh State Economic University - Deputy. Dean of the Faculty of Accounting and Economics, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting and Audit
1990-1988 - Senior Lecturer of the Department "Accounting and Analysis of Economic Activities" of the Alma-Ata Institute of National Economy (AINH)
1985-1979 - senior researcher AINH
1. Организация внутреннего аудита на предприятии Монография. Алматы, ААЭС – 2017.-112с.
2. Формирование информации внутреннего аудитора .Для руководства компании Статистика, учет и аудит, 3(74)2019 с. 47-51
3. Управление затратами в логистической системе Статистика, учет и аудит,  3 (78)2020 с. 31-34