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Baisalbabayeva Kulyash Narzildayevna
assistant professor

Baysalbayeva Kulyash Narzildaevna, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Computer Science, associate professor, scientific experience is more than 33 years. Graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics of the Shymkent Pedagogical Institute with a degree in mathematics (1975). Mathematician of the Automated Control System Department of the Aktobe Production Knitting Association, Aktobe (1975-1987), Senior Lecturer at the Technological Institute, Almaty (1987-1997).
Head of the master class of the Institute of Management and Business "Nur", Aktobe (1998-2000). Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Computer Engineering, Aktobe (2000-2004). Senior Lecturer of the Department of Informatics and Pedagogy, Almaty Technological University, Almaty, (2004-2007). Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor of the Department of "IS and ED", Almaty University of Humanities and Economics, Almaty, (2008 - present).
She defended her PhD thesis in 2013 in the specialty 13.00.02- Theory and methodology of teaching and upbringing (computer science) in Bishkek. She received nostrification in 2018. She has published more than 113 scientific and methodological works in the country and abroad, of which 5 articles have been published in indexed journals including Scopus and Web of Science database.
Higher education. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Computer Science, associate professor. Participated in scientific projects as a member of the research group:       Жарияланымдар:нанотехнологий (2018-2020). Publications: 1. Development of optimization methods focused on a wide class of applied problems of nanotechnologyBaisalbayevaK.N.,Amangeldy Bolen, MaksatKalimoldayev, OrkenMamyrbayev. Universal Design Description of Cubic Cyclic Fieldsand an Algorithm for Computing of MinimalPolynomialsofGeneratingElements// 2017 2nd International Conference on Modelling, Simulation andApplied Mathematics, MSAM2017, March 26-27, 2017, Bangkok, Thailand.
2. Baisalbayeva K.N., Maksat Kalimoldayev, Kalipa Kuspanova, Orken  Mamyrbayev, Assel Abdildayeva. Numerical simulation of two-phase filtration in the near well bore zone // Open Engineeringformerly Central European Journal of Engineering Editor-in-Chief: Ritter, William Published Online: 2018-04-19  DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/eng-2018-0010
2. BaisalbayevaK.N.,ОrkenМamyrbayev, МaksatКalimoldayevandКeylanАlimhan. Methodical Specifics of Teaching Tertiary Students in theConditions of Credit Technology// 2017 4th International Conference onAdvanced Education Technology andManagement Science(AETMS2017)September 17-18, 2017, Shenzhen, China
1. BaisalbayevaK.N.,Amangeldy Bolen, MaksatKalimoldayev, OrkenMamyrbayev. Universal Design Description of Cubic Cyclic Fieldsand an Algorithm for Computing of MinimalPolynomialsofGeneratingElements// 2017 2nd International Conference on Modelling, Simulation andApplied Mathematics, MSAM2017, March 26-27, 2017, Bangkok, Thailand.
2. Baisalbayeva K.N., Maksat Kalimoldayev, Kalipa Kuspanova, Orken  Mamyrbayev, Assel Abdildayeva. Numerical simulation of two-phase filtration in the near well bore zone // Open Engineeringformerly Central European Journal of Engineering Editor-in-Chief: Ritter, William Published Online: 2018-04-19  DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/eng-2018-0010
2. BaisalbayevaK.N.,ОrkenМamyrbayev, МaksatКalimoldayevandКeylanАlimhan. Methodical Specifics of Teaching Tertiary Students in theConditions of Credit Technology// 2017 4th International Conference onAdvanced Education Technology andManagement Science(AETMS2017)September 17-18, 2017, Shenzhen, China
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/322488008_Methodical_Specifics_of_Teaching_Tertiary_Students_in_the_Conditions_of_Credit_Technology.   Статьи в журналах, рекомендованных ККСОН МОН РК
1. Байсалбаева К.Н., Мадьярова Г.А., А.Ибирайым кызы. Сравнительный анализ существующих электронных словарей // Журнал «Статистика, учет и аудит», Алматы, 1(80), 2021, АЭСА, Алматы – С230-234. Ежеквартальный научно-практический журнал.
2. Байсалбаева К.Н., Мадьярова Г.А., А.Ибирайым кызы. Оку упроцессиндеги оптималдаштыруунун мааниси.Ежеквартальный научно-технический журнал «Известия вузов Кыргызстана» // Национальной академии наук Кыргызской Республики, г. Бишкек, №1, 2021г.
3. Байсалбаева К.Н., Амирханова Г.А., Дуйсенбаева А.Ж.Применение методов оптимизации для численного моделирования структур и свойств новых материалов // Журнал «Статистика, учет и аудит», Алматы, 2(73), АЭСА, Алматы – С.90-93 – 2019. Ежеквартальный научно-практический журнал.
4. Байсалбаева К.Н., Шекербекова Ш.Т., Мергенбай Л.Х., Маштакова У.Г.Разработка автоматизированного рабочего места оператора туристической фирмы // Международный журнал прикладных и фундаментальных исследований. М 2017. – № 4-2.
Статьи на конференциях в РК, дальнем и ближнем зарубежье